I was raised by my grandmother in the mountains of Costa Rica, where she treated people for various ailments. This gave me the opportunity to learn from her and be exposed to the ancestral world of healing since birth, providing me with insight into earth base medicine.

Mamá, my grandmother, guided me with love and kindness in bringing healing to others, and set me on the path I was born to do. She learned everything she knew by assisting her grandfather Santiago, a curandero, who was sought after by people from all over for healing. They tended to people with various ailments, including broken bones, allergies, rashes, aches, pains, and even babies with hip displacement, they were Sobadores & Hueseros.

Though I don’t heal in the same way they did, I sing to your bones, to people’s souls with the same sense of compassion as my ancestors did for generations.

I have devoted my entire life to studying various healing methods, following my grandmother’s teachings on indigenous bodywork, which also sparked my fascination with the spiritual side since a young age. This guided me to receive training in hands-on energy work, Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy, Hatha yoga, and more.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away.”  Picasso.

My journey took a pivotal turn when I felt the pull to delve deeper into my life’s purpose and follow my intuition. With this in mind, I study Music Therapy for Wellness at Berklee College of Music, which ultimately led me to study Existential Wellbeing Counseling at the University of Leuven. I realised that my intuitive heart was already guiding me towards the work I was meant to do, but this education provided me with a deeper understanding of how be best of service. As a result, I felt more confident in embracing my ancestral roots without hesitation and incorporating the healing sounds that I had learned as a child into my work, allowing me to serve and support others on their journey.

I had the humbling honor of being initiated in a Sacred Fire Ceremony as a Cacao ceremonialist, following the Maya Tradition and Cosmology, by Fire Shamans Tata Izaias Mendoza and Nana Izabel Pérez. This special ceremony took place alongside my medicine sisters at Cerro Tzankujil in San Marcos La Laguna, located at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.

Additionally, I am proud to be a carrier of the sacred fire of the Popochcomitl, bestowed upon me by Grandmother Ximena Vera Teototoltzin.

Having an understanding of how Sound Healing and Earth Based practices work, and the ways in which they positively impact the human body, from our inner-most feelings to the way we think, including remapping our brain pathways, has inspired me to share this powerful form of medicine with others.

As a medicine woman, I hold the sacred responsibility of channeling spiritual healing while honoring the rich lineage of The Q’ero of the High Andes of Peru. I am deeply grateful for the honor of being initiated by Medicine Woman Marilu Shinn, who imparted her profound knowledge of Ancestral Healing, Sacred Feminine Archetypes, and Womb Medicine Wisdom to me. Through these teachings, I have gained a deeper understanding of the power of ancient wisdom and its ability to transform and heal on a spiritual and emotional level, most importantly on how to acknowledge my own ancestral roots where I .

I am deeply grateful for the rich experiences I’ve had over the past 23 years, as I’ve had the privilege of holding sacred space for healing in diverse parts of the world. These transformative journeys have taken me to Nicaragua, Panamá, Colombia, México, and Guatemala, as well as residing and having the chance to open my practice in most of the countries I lived like Canada, Australia, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Malta, Island of Gozo, Spain and in my current home in the birth place of the goddess of Love, Cyprus.

These unique encounters have not only allowed me to serve as a medicine woman and space holder but have also provided me with invaluable opportunities to connect with a wide array of individuals from all walks of live, fostering personal growth and expanding my understanding of the what it means to be committed to the path and how to walk in alignment in every nation I step on.

Through my work as a medicine woman (Curandera), I am committed to offering my guidance and support to those seeking healing and spiritual growth. It is my heartfelt intention to serve as a channel for positive transformation, drawing on my extensive training and experience to help others on their unique journeys towards wholeness and wellbeing.

I believe in authenticity and offer my services with a genuine heart.

May the wisdom of our hearts always guide us.

If you feel called to work with me one-on-one in your healing journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With love and gratitude for your presence here,


“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.”  ― Ancient Indian Proverb